Back-to-school days are creeping up upon us. Are you and your child worried? Here are some tips to make returning to school easier for your child and you.
As the new year is upon us, so is a new academic year knocking at your children’s door. Back-to-school season is signified by store aisles filled with bulky backpacks, piles of books, notebooks, and various stationary sets.
However, for many kids, the start of a new academic year may be a time of nervousness and worry. During these times, the best thing you can do is support your child by helping them set up a routine to ease their nerves.
How to help your child? To make their transition back to school easier, following these – tips can help you and your child to make the beginning of the school year go smoothly.
Get Ready for School
Go Shopping Together
Doing back-to-school shopping with your kids may make the process more fun. Set budget restrictions for goods like clothing, shoes, and backpacks, and let them choose what they enjoy most, whether in-store or online. It will allow you to avoid long lineups at stores and stress in the weeks preceding the start of lessons.
If your kid is expected to wear a uniform, ensure they have all they need before the start of school. If they are doing remote learning, ensure they have a quiet, conducive place to study at home.
Stock up on School Supplies
Most children are excited about stocking up on school supplies, making them more enthusiastic about returning to school. Your kid may require school materials whether you teach them at home or send them to a private or public institution.
Many schools list all the items your kid will need for school. Prepare for the first day of school by purchasing extra supplies in advance, such as pencils, erasers, markers, and rulers. Also, arrange the school materials so you can have everything at hand when needed.
Help them Connect with Classmates
If your child attends a school that many other kids from your neighborhood attend, let them be familiar with each other. It could be through social media for a teen or a small informal meeting in the park. Letting your children be familiar with their classmates outside school creates lasting bonds that may perhaps last a lifetime!
Teach them the Simple Things
Going to school is not all about academics and school uniforms. Training your child properly to get through their day at school without any hassle is one of the first things you should teach them, especially if they are starting school or transitioning from elementary to middle school.
Before going to school, your child should be able to open and close their tiffin box, put it in their lunch bag and place the lid in their water bottle properly so it does not leak. Teach your kids to use school restrooms and hang their coats in racks.
Additionally, if your child is a bit grown up, always make them memorize your or their guardian’s phone number and see that they can spell out their name and the area around which they live.
Discuss What they Would like to have for Lunch
Children are picky; chances are if they open their tiffin box and do not like what they see, they will not finish their lunch. As a parent, you wouldn’t want your kid to go hungry throughout the day, would you? To avoid this problem, discuss with your child what they would like to have for lunch.
Work with your child to select what they prefer, and then begin shopping for the necessary ingredients. If kids crave fried food one day, offer them nutritious greens and fruits the next. A balanced and varied lunch makes the children’s connection with eating their lunch much more delightful.
Arrange for a Study Table
Separate a space where you can set up a simple table and chair where your child and sit can do their homework. This place should be quiet so that your little one concentrate and be ready to spend some extra hours after school reviewing their lessons.
The study station does not have to be extravagant; a normal chair and a sleek wooden desk that can be built in a couple of hours should be enough.
Fix their Sleep Schedule
A well-rested, good night’s sleep is the key to a great start to the morning and a productive day at school. Ensure your child gets enough sleep, at least 8 hours before getting up for school.
Get your kids ready for the first day of school by getting them used to an alarm clock and getting them to bed at a more reasonable hour about two weeks beforehand.
Children under twelve normally tend to sleep early, but teenagers often fall into insomnia for many reasons but mostly for stress. Take care your child is not too stressed before they sleep; if they do, try to talk to them and listen to their worries.
Establishing a healthy connection with your child is the key.
Set a Limit to their Internet and Device Usage.
Most children have access to the internet and a device these days, whether it is because of their online school or because education has become more digitalized. As the new school year approaches, it’s a good idea to sit down with your kids and discuss ground rules for their device use.
Are they allowed to carry their phone to school? Will you let them take their devices to their bed? Decide on this beforehand to avoid future clashes. Setting some ground rules between you and your child helps them become more open and establishes trust between you and your kid.
Set up a Family Calendar
A family calendar where all important dates are marked can be set up in your living or dining room. Dates of parent-teacher meetings, sports days, vaccine days, etc., all help you keep track of important days you would not want to miss.
All this preparation is to help eliminate anxiety a
bout the next school year and give your kids confidence in their ability to succeed. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays with your children while you can.